Connect with us!
The Australian Veterinary Palliative Care Advisory Council aims to assist the veterinary and it’s associated allied health professions to deliver best practice palliative care. It also endeavours to provide a platform through which pet owners can connect with each other and support the advancement of access to palliative care services across Australia. Its members are dedicated to the dissemination of information and the sharing of the ideals of palliative care within veterinary medicine.
Enquiries and Partnerships
For administrative, partnership and clinical enquiries please get in touch via the contact form and we will direct your enquiry to the relevant board member for response. Please note our team are all volunteers and responses may not be immediate. We look forward to hearing from you.
Join our Mailing List
If you are interested in learning more about palliative care please fill in your details and join our mailing list.
We may email you from time to time with information on upcoming events or important palliative news.