Public Education and Awareness
The Australian Veterinary Palliative Care Advisory Council is proud to be actively involved in promoting awareness of Veterinary Palliative Care across all sectors of the community.
Whilst originally designed as a resource for Veterinarians and Animal Health professionals, the Council recognises that many pet families want to know more about how to best support their pets through the journey at end-of-life, and that public education is central to improving access to this critically important care.
The Council is incredibly proud to have esteemed members of the veterinary industry working to support our public awareness campaigns and is excited to introduce Dr Jackie and Dr Katrina to you as the AVPCAC’s Education Ambassadors. As advocates of the AVPCAC and it’s education goals, our Ambassadors are available to speak at events and for media.
You can read more about Dr Jackie and Dr Katrina below and please get in touch HERE to enquire about education, speaking or advocacy opportunities.
Dr Jackie Campbell
Dr Jackie is recognised as one of Australia’s leading voices in the field of veterinary palliative care. As a practicing clinician and the Director of Sunset Vets, Australia’s largest network of veterinarians focused exclusively on palliative and end-of-life support services, Jackie spends much of her time helping families to navigate medical decision making with their pets as they approach towards the end.
Dr Jackie is an engaging speaker with stories to suit any audience. She is able to make you both laugh and cry, reflecting on the sometimes incredible outcomes achieved by her patients, and on the deeply emotional side of caring for families in their hardest of moments.
Having graced stages for a wide array of audiences, speaking regularly at conferences and events, as well as for organisations across a range of professional fields, she is known for her passionate advocacy for the ongoing advancement of training, education and awareness.

Dr Katrina Warren
Dr Katrina is one of Australia’s most recognised veterinarians and pet experts with a media career spanning over 25 years.
A trusted expert, her beginnings on Totally Wild, followed by her long-standing role as co-host of the Seven Network’s hit television show Harry’s Practice from 1997 to 2003, ensured she became a household name for promoting responsible pet ownership and animal welfare.
Katrina currently works across all media platforms educating people about pet care, and loves helping people enhance the bond they share with their pets. She is interested in raising awareness about all aspects of pet loss and supporting pet parents through the very painful process of losing their beloved pet.